Add favicon & update home title
Add umami analytics
Create more readable default order for dev blog
At some point I should combine Blog & Dev Blog - currently the posts on Blog are pretty out of date. On the other hand I could also just hide the dates altogether - I kind of loathe the idea that a significant amount of the implied value of a post comes from its recency. At the same time, people don't want to see a flat list of posts as it's just a wall of text.
Idea: What if I break down the posts by month, but remove the year. So posts from March 24 would show alongside posts from March 22.
Update profile photo
Clean up/remove some old posts
Hide year on posts index page
Re-write homepage
The old copy was out of date and to be honest felt a little too whimsical. So I updated it to something a little more professional
Improvents on mobile projects page
Prevent images from spilling off the page
Remove the left date column
Still to do: Improve display of long completed tasks, improve display of projects table
Thinking: I'm not liking the styling of the dates. The project isn't obvious enough and the left column feels like it needs too much space. It's also not super useful to see the month at the top because there tends to be quite a few posts for each month.
Design/code new style for date/project pills
New Design 👇
Thinking: The font still irks me. Wonder how the one AJ likes (Jakarta) would look
Switch from Outfit font to Jakarta font
Fix roam styling using :has to fix the odd alignment issue
Flesh out low fi design for projects section on websites
Set up new streams that haven't been created, and add tags
Implement layout for new projects page based on wireframe
Not happy with the feel at the top of the page - the layout feels wrong. Will return to it and clean it up.